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CLICKS ON relies on the articulation of expertise of a high level consortium: the technical knowledge and methodologies on carbon accounting is provided by the Association Bilan Carbone (coordinator of the project – France) and Avenir Climatique (France) and it is combined with the pedagogical experience and IT expertise of Design for Change (Spain), SKILLA-AMICUCCI FORMAZIONE (Italy) and from Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy). A secondary Spanish school, the Colegio Jesuitinas María Reina is involved as partners and represents the secondary schools’ interest in the project.


The CLICKS ON project focuses on some specific target groups in secondary schools that are the students, the teachers, administrative non-educational (ANE) staff and the school leaders, with several aims that will impact them:

  1. to raise awareness on climate issues and carbon accounting among the greatest number of students, teachers, school leaders and ANE staff
  2. to develop and offer a Climate change educational toolkit replicable at a European scale
  3. to harmonize and share at the European level educational materials, experiences and practices related to the climate emergency and carbon accounting.

It will involve 7 schools (6 associated and 1 partner) that will test the project outputs: 3 schools in France, 2 in Italy and 2 in Spain. On the total, 14 teachers, 7 ANE staff, 7 school leaders and 260 students will be involved in the project.

Intellectual outputs(IOs):

The main project output is a Climate change educational toolkit available in 4 languages (French, Spanish, Italian and English) that supports students from secondary school to launch initiative to c

hange behaviour and contribute to the low-carbon transition of their establishments. This initiative entails the calculation of the c

arbon footprint of their establishments by students themselves, that can be based on the main emissive activities (light initiative) or on all activities (complete initiative) and on the definition and implementation of mitigation action plans to reduce this carbon footprint.